8x8” The Amazing Pigasus Flying Pig Delightfully Whimsical acrylic painting by Tracy Levesque 8x8” The Amazing Pigasus Flying Pig Delightfully Whimsical acrylic painting by Tracy Levesque $355.00 5x7” Shroom Squirrel Amanita Muscaria  Mushroom original acrylic painting by Tracy Levesque 5x7” Shroom Squirrel Amanita Muscaria Mushroom original acrylic painting by Tracy Levesque $200.00 11x14" Squirrel in Tree original acrylic painting by Tracy Levesque 11x14" Squirrel in Tree original acrylic painting by Tracy Levesque $425.00 8x16” Diversi-kitty fabulous original cat painting by Tracy Lévesque 8x16” Diversi-kitty fabulous original cat painting by Tracy Lévesque $450.00 6x12” Tabby Cat in a Tree Looking Up a Tree Cat in Tree painting by Tracy Levesque 6x12” Tabby Cat in a Tree Looking Up a Tree Cat in Tree painting by Tracy Levesque $300.00 4x8” Gray and White Cat Painting by Tracy Levesque 4x8” Gray and White Cat Painting by Tracy Levesque $175.00 4x8” Dilute Tortie Kitty Cat Painting by Tracy Levesque 4x8” Dilute Tortie Kitty Cat Painting by Tracy Levesque $175.00 Cosmic Owl, 16x16" Original Acrylic Painting by Tracy Levesque Cosmic Owl, 16x16" Original Acrylic Painting by Tracy Levesque $500.00 6x8” Troupe of Tabby Cats Wonderful Tabby Cat painting by Tracy Levesque 6x8” Troupe of Tabby Cats Wonderful Tabby Cat painting by Tracy Levesque $285.00 24x12” Owl Tree Snowy Owl Whimsical Looking Up the Tree Snow Owl painting by Tracy Levesque 24x12” Owl Tree Snowy Owl Whimsical Looking Up the Tree Snow Owl painting by Tracy Levesque $950.00 4x4” Tufted titmouse bird winter bird painting by Tracy Levesque 4x4” Tufted titmouse bird winter bird painting by Tracy Levesque $95.00 4x4” Black-capped Chickadee 1 Massachusetts State Bird painting by Tracy Levesque 4x4” Black-capped Chickadee 1 Massachusetts State Bird painting by Tracy Levesque $95.00 4x4” Singing Song Sparrow Bird painting by Tracy Levesque 4x4” Singing Song Sparrow Bird painting by Tracy Levesque $95.00 4x4” Eastern Blue Bird painting by Tracy Levesque 4x4” Eastern Blue Bird painting by Tracy Levesque $95.00 4x4” Gray tabby cat holding butterfly happy cat painting by Tracy Levesque 4x4” Gray tabby cat holding butterfly happy cat painting by Tracy Levesque $95.00 4x4” Sweet brown tabby cat holding a sparrow happy cat painting by Tracy Levesque 4x4” Sweet brown tabby cat holding a sparrow happy cat painting by Tracy Levesque $95.00 4x4” Adorable Tortie cat holding a flower tortoise shell cat happy cat painting by Tracy Levesque 4x4” Adorable Tortie cat holding a flower tortoise shell cat happy cat painting by Tracy Levesque $95.00 4x4” Adorable white cat holding a mouse happy cat painting by Tracy Levesque 4x4” Adorable white cat holding a mouse happy cat painting by Tracy Levesque $95.00 6x12” Barred Owl in a Tree original acrylic painting by Tracy Levesque 6x12” Barred Owl in a Tree original acrylic painting by Tracy Levesque $335.00 3x6” Chirping Cardinal Sunny Day Beautiful Bird Painting by Tracy Levesque 3x6” Chirping Cardinal Sunny Day Beautiful Bird Painting by Tracy Levesque $100.00

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